TOMBOYS, DRAG KINGS, & WARRIOR WOMEN There is a long line of female characters that have made their mark on popular culture by refusing to be "feminine" or to take on the typically confining roles that have been given to women in mainstream media. In Female Masculinity (1998), J. Halberstam describes the term female masculinity as “masculinities without men” in a project that sought to highlight and honor masculine women and individuals who are not male but are masculine. Halberstam also analyzed several examples of masculine women or individuals from popular films and novels. In Sons of the Movement: FtMs Risking Incoherence on a Post-Queer Cultural Landscape (2006) Bobby Noble disagreed with the assertion that there are "masculinities without men" because female masculinity is actually in conversation with other masculinities which are more layered in terms of intersections of identity than simply female/male. MASCULINITY CONTINUUMS In Indigen...